5 Invalid procedure call 425 Invalid object use 461 Specified format doesn't match format of data 672 DataObject formats list may not be cleared or expanded outside of the OLEStartDrag event 673 Expected at least one argument 674 Illegal recursive invocation of OLE drag and drop 675 Non-intrinsic OLE drag and drop formats used with SetData require Byte array data. GetData may return more bytes than were given to SetData. 1000 P&roperties 1001 FlxGd 2003 General 2004 General properties for the FlexGrid control 2005 Style 2006 Style properties for the FlexGrid control 2008 An error has occurred while doing this operation 2009 Property not available 2010 Set not permitted 2011 Out of memory 2012 Subscript out of range 2013 Invalid property value 3000 0 - None;1 - Horizontal;2 - Vertical;3 - Both 3001 0 - Single;1 - Repeat 3002 0 - None;1 - Columns;2 - Rows;3 - Both 3003 0 - Free;1 - By Row;2 - By Column 3004 0 - Never;1 - Always;2 - With Focus 3005 0 - None;1 - Light;2 - Heavy 3006 0 - None;1 - Flat;2 - Inset;3 - Raised 3007 0 - Flat;1 - Raised;2 - Inset;3 - Raised Light;4 - Inset Light 3008 0 - Never;1 - Free;2 - Restrict Rows;3 - Restrict Cols;4 - Restrict All 3009 0 - Color;1 - Monochrome 3010 0 - Default;1 - Arrow;2 - Cross;3 - I-Beam;4 - Icon;5 - Size;6 - Size NE SW;7 - Size NS;8 - Size NW SE;9 - Size EW;10 - Up Arrow;11 - Hourglass;12 - No Drop;13 - ArrowHourGlass;14 - ArrowQuestion;15 - SizeAll;99 - Custom 3011 Cannot do a RemoveItem on a fixed row 3012 Cannot use AddItem on a fixed row 3013 Grid does not contain that row 3014 Invalid Column number for alignment 3015 Invalid Alignment value 3016 Unable to Allocate Memory For FlexGrid 3017 Not a valid Picture type 3018 Invalid Row Value 3019 Invalid Column Value 3021 Invalid Row Height Value 3022 Invalid Column Width Value 3023 Can not remove last non-fixed row 3024 FixedRows must be at least one less than Rows value 3025 FixedCols must be at least one less than Cols value 3026 Cannot set format without fixed rows/columns